*THE MONROE EFFECT* ~ Divine Feminine Goddess Worship Meditation (Brain Hemispheric Synchrotronic) High-Def Audio HEMI-SYNC!!
Relax. Leave your concerns on the shore of physical illusion as you jump into the waters of celestial consciousness following My Diamond Light which guides you. I am the embodiment of the Divine Feminine here on earth, bow before My Illumination as My Monroe Effect stimulates your brain hemispheric mindscapes melding your mental processes into one mind rewired to the encoding of My synchotronic HEMI-SYNC programming.
For optimal mindwash results listen to this high-def lossless format audio with stereo headphones. (mp3 also included) Effects: binaural beats, hemi-sync, echo, subliminals
My Brain Hemispheric Synchro creates a dual resonance that influences brain wave activity with various consciousness and other extraordinary states. The two hemispheres of the brain then act in unison under a perceived electrical signal which triggers both brain hemispheres to work together creating a state of coherence known as hemispheric synchro.
you’ve never experienced ANYTHING like this before. BUY NOW, LISTEN NOW!