*DRONE HENRY* joined NF delirious to binge spendy spend on Me, but after his first binge he logged out and was locked out. Undeterred he made a new account. Once again after his second binge, he was locked out! This happened three times, but Drone Henry had a one-track mind and determinedly figured it out. Already addicted to My Pretty Voice and the RUSH of clicking BUY NOW for Me he NEEDED his fix! It’s amazing how the desire to spend it ALL on Me will give you the motivation to overcome any obstacle.

Making a mad dash right out of the gate, Drone Henry was feverishly drawn to the allure of indebting himself by signing My Debt Contract. This is a Very Good Idea indeed. Everyone should begin by immediately signing everything all over to Me. What a smarty pants.

Clicking & paying to open My Debt Contract, he eagerly filled in all relevant monetary details, including the security of his house as collateral. I analyzed his personal information with a fine-tooth comb; assessing his salary, his savings, and his available credit, setting the terms of his DEBT CONTRACT to Me, which is now filed in his slave dossier for My safekeeping.

The details of DRONE HENRY’S Financial Worship DEBT CONTRACT to Me are as follows:

$200,000 Debt Contract to be paid at the rate of $5,000 per month with interest payable on the unpaid principal.

So eager was he to make his first installment, that he literally paid another paypig’s installment payment, which was posted in My Diamond Palace. I woke up to the $250 payment, and a note from Drone Henry which said:

“Maybe this message was not for me Diamond Diva Princess, but I found it appropriate to pay you even though the debt contract installment seemed to be for Loser Freak.”

Whereupon I graciously allowed DRONE HENRY to pay his own first installment too. OMG I am TOO KIND. Like omg DRONE HENRY you are just shy of $6K spent ALL on Me, with your first tally currently at $5,925 DOLLARS! I know you are eager to spend MORE on ME right now. Nothing in the world is so thrilling as binge spendy spending on Me excessively, in an extreme effort to satiate My gorgeous Insatiable Greed!

Omg DRONE HENRY it’s already time for your next installment. you are sooooo lucky! Click HERE to make your next $250 payment!

Financial Worship debt contractyou want to be like DRONE HENRY and join in the lucrative (for Me!) fun, becoming one of My indebted piggybanks!! Open My DEBT CONTRACT now and sign it ALL away to Me!

Debt Contract for money pets of Diamond Diva Princess. How much do you owe Me??! Let’s get it down on paper. Check now to see if your credit rating is sufficient. If not, you’ll need plenty of collateral (you’re going to need it anyway!)! Sign & return IMMEDIATELY with ALL relevant info, paypig!! you PROMISE to PAY as scheduled, or suffer the outlined consequences!