After publishing My latest update on Handbag Zombie, within minutes My phone was ring cha-chinging with My 50 THOUSAND DOLLAR piggie waiting on the other end of the line, eager to pay 50 DOLLARS every gloriously greedy minute yet AGAIN to hear Me giggle gorgeously at his weakness! So seriously, My 50 THOUSAND DOLLAR piggie is soooo totally addicted My gorgeously insatiable greed, that he was completely unable to resist calling Me as soon as he finished reading the update, paying $50 DOLLARS every minute for the honor! Like he literally couldn’t even wait. Like omg My GOOD BOY loves to spend 100 dollars on Me every two minutes, effortlessly lured into My super addictive SNAP TTRAAPPP!
Within the first $50 dollar minute on the phone with Me, I demanded a big tribute, and My GOOD BOY sweetie pie dumdum gleefully tributed $250 dollars toward another gorgeously expensive fur to add to My LUSHY PLUSH FLUFFY FLUFF Fur Glamour Collection! Omg so totally enchantmentled by My FLUFFY FURRY CUFFS!!
This one binge now brings his current Grand Tally to over $54,000.00!! Way to go, GOOD BOY! Like omg, you LOVEY LOVE to be the BESTY BEST GOOD BOY you can be for Me!
Like omg My little babbling blubbering idiot, so weak and woozy for My LUSHY PLUSH FLUFFY FLUFF FURRY CUFFS! you know you CRAVE to spend oodles MORE on Me RIGHT NOW. Load up those bags-o-cash and say heehaw, buhbye money! Make that tally soar, it’s so hot to see how BIG it can get!
Click BUY NOW below like My GOOD BOY does. Another LUSHY PLUSH FLUFFY FLUFF clicky click toward your new goal of 60 THOUSAND DOLLARS!! Omg you KNOW it’s going to feel sooooo good! you can’t resist the tickly tingly of My fluffy fuzzies in your bbrainnsy..
CLICK HERE to read all about My 50 Grand Piggie HANDBAG ZOMBIE!!