Financial Worship Mesmeratrix Feminine Power Mesmerism
World-Class Financial Worship & Mesmerism Enchantment with THE Capitalistic Blonde
As the visionary Financial Worship Mesmeratrix, I am, inadvertently, the subject of controversy quite frequently. In fact, it has started a whole cult of followers who attempt to follow in My footsteps by TRYING to cause controversy.
I never TRY to cause such feelings of intense emotion within you, I just do it. In fact, I am blissfully unaware of the PASSIONS I stirred deep within your psyche by My capricious disregard of your feelings, as you see, I was in complete and utter self-absorbed non-realization of your existence, such is the extent of you being of so very little consequence, that you are not even noticed by Me until you are off on a full-fledged tirade ABOUT ME.
I am nothing if not BLATANTLY honest about what I do, and what MY interests are.
I may look sweet, yet endowed with a razor wit, but don’t assume that means I am trying to fool you. I am as sweet as I am capriciously cruel. As Rilke said “Every Angel is terrifying”. My slaves most often refer to Me as a PARADOX. I am an enigma. My candor is legendary. If you can’t handle it, why do you keep looking?
My simplest statement will often cause dissension among the moo-moo masses who are unable to grasp intellectual and artistic concepts that go beyond the most broadly known and basic variations of limited understanding which has been spoon-fed to them by the mass media which caters to their limited microwave mentality.
I am an ARTIST, it is of MY interest to shake the foundation of the universal consciousness, bringing into question the actual definition and larger intellectual meaning of words and concepts which you arbitrate and delegate as politically incorrect.
It is not of My interest to cater to you or your small-minded fascist misinterpretations. There are a host of people in this world who are ready and willing to feed into & coddle your pre-conditioned ignorance.
I am not interested in foofoo mesmerism, focused on fantasy, in fact, I am not into FANTASY of any kind. The only mesmerism *I* am interested in is MY brand of enchantment, the kind that exploits YOUR brain for MY benefit. I fully utilize My access to esoteric knowledge to further MY plan of GLOBAL domination.
I really and truly enjoy studying enchantment methods and theories, including subliminal advertising psychology, which is the same mass media concepts that you are already slave to the programming of… it’s very easy for Me to subvert that conditioning for the propagation of MY self-absorbed motives. To ME true enchantment is VASTLY interesting. It IS what I do.
It’s time for MY “GOOD BOY” TRIGGER to be installed in your bbrainnn!
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Click PLAY to hear a sample!
Then you’ll want to be a GOOD BOY and listen to MORE, My MIND INVASION series is next on your list, you’ll find it HERE
Bewitched, enchanted, mesmerized.. under MY Spell!
The psyche-trance image of Me below is MESMERIZING. But don’t worry about what I’m doing to your mind, just keep staring.
A trance is a heightened state of awareness, changes in your condition are brought about by the power of MY suggestion. you are nothing more than MY mindless drone, I own your mind, you have NO mind of your own. I tell you what to feel and I tell you what to think. you will live your life as an extension of MY Supreme Will, always seeking how to be a better WALLET for Me and an ever-expanding implement of MY amusement.
I will turn you into a zombified DRONE for ME. you will be OBSESSED.. Mesmerized.. UNDER MY SPELL. Oh, and I won’t be careful with you. I will mess with your head, because *I CAN*. you will acquiesce to My every demand, because – after all… you are MY willing test subject, aren’t you?
.. this mp3 will completely RENDER you HELPLESS to MY DEMANDS.
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My newest enchantment mp3: This is the EXCLUSIVE PREMIERE of My new MESMERISM enchantment mp3!! OMG you have been WAITING for this. ~~>
*SLEEPWALKER* (Delta Waves REM stage 3) Mesmerism Trigger mp3
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Naturally you’ll want to get EVERY mp3 in My collection of TRANCE sessions, you’ll find MORE of My mesmerism mp3s in the AUDIO INDOCTRINATION section below!
As you may have noticed, I recently added the option to buy My TRANCE FILES through My merchant processor – this is a fabulous opportunity for you because there is NOTHING to join, and you can pay with ANY major credit card! How cool is THAT?!
Discreet billing via credit card OR paypal. All order information is encrypted and transmitted securely using a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol, the best technology available today for secure commerce transactions. Your privacy is protected & respected. Additionally, these transactions will never display on your bank or credit card records as “mesmerism” or “financial obsession” activity, so it’s totally discreet and anonymous.
OMG it’s time for you to TOTALLY INDULGE! It’s now easier than EVER to spend ALL THAT CASH ON ME that you WORK SO HARD FOR! $$$$ Through My merchant processor you can add as many of My files as you like to your shopping cart and buy them ALL AT ONCE! The more you BUY the BETTER you FEEL!
Download immediately upon purchase, all major credit cards and paypal accepted. What are you waiting for?! Simply click the pink shopping bags to start shopping!
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All major credit cards accepted. |
OMG the intoxicating DANGER of being My LOVESICK FOOL is soooooo ALLURING, you will slurp up every drop of My LOVE POTION.
Price: 125.00
The groundwork for everything else is laid in this majestic masterpiece of intricate mind invasion, My TRUTH serum.. chase the dragon!
Price: 125.00
Like a pod in the TELEDROME your pre-programmed tendencies have led you to Me, primed & ready for ME to exploit your preconditioned COMMODITY FETISHISM presets.
Price: 150.00
All you need to do is put on your STEREO headphones, lie back & listen while your mind gets fuzzier & softer, squishy & MUSHY, as I install MY “GOOD BOY” programming.
Price: 125.00
![]() Unrequited LOVE Junkie:
Incorporating BACKMASKING for the very first time, My PINK NOISE machine opens the doors of your mind preparing you for My barrage of post trance suggestions.
Price: 150.00
Insidious MIND KONTROL, a wicked exercise in subliminal & superliminal programming culminating in your total un-intellectualization.
Price: 150.00
This programmed AUDITORY assignment is part of My INFAMOUSLY SCANDALOUS program of systematic enchantment.
Price: 200.00
SO sleepy. SO sleepy. Fall under DEEP SEDATION listening to MY VOICE which guides you dddeeperrrr & dddeeperrrrr. Addicted to My voice. Going under SO FAR UNDER..
Price: 150.00
This prophetic trance INDOCTRINATION will condition you to the ushering in of the GOLDEN AGE and NEW WORLD. Become part of MY TRUE ILLUMINATI!
Price: 200.00
![]() MAN-BAIT:
!DANGER! I mercilessly wield my feminine wiles luring you into IMPOVERISHMENT for MY Luxury!
Price: 150.00
An exercise in subliminal triggers & covert enchantment. I will make you into My mental mind , because I CAN.
Price: 125.00
My iridescent voice lures you.. I inspire you with My Brilliance, lyrical tones & incandescent energy!
Price: 150.00
Designed to trigger the “pleasure center” of your mind, creating initial REWARD feeling of undiluted elation!!
Price: 150.00
View My Full Catalogue of Mesmerism MP3s on
![]() This Mesmerism Art Film is inspired by the art of Andy Warhol & Salvador Dali.
Like a SHOT in the VEIN, I am THE Drug, the ULTIMATE SUPERSTAR making you CRAVE MY CONTROL.. Price: 200.00
![]() DIAMONDVISION – Mesmerism Art Film
This film clip utilizes TOP SECRET enchantment programming techniques of television programming, including mesmerizing test patterns, NLP & subliminal messages. Oh YES, the REVOLUTION *will* be televised ~ in lustrous oh so DREAMY DIAMONDVISION!!
Price: 200.00
![]() ‘CLOCKWORK’ Mesmerism Art Film: Mesmeratrix Clockwork Programming!
A Kubrickian kaleidoscope, the ULTIMATE creative composition of My most potent Moloko enchantment images which hold your eyes fast as you are sedated by MY visually stunning cinema.
Price: 200.00
OMG I am SO GORGEOUS as I baptize you in My PURE WHITE DIAMOND LIGHT, at the Wellspring of Goddess Waters.
Price: 150.00
My gorgeous VISAGE and alluring CHARISMA & CHARM capture and disarm you. you will become disciple to My Blonde-ism, drone to MY Culte de Blonde!
Price: 200.00
![]() INITIATE BIONIC (Dadaist FAUVIST Mesmerism Art)
This Film Clip is pure Fauvist Mesmerism Art, I exhibit NO MERCY toward your WEAKNESS for MY BEAUTY ~ exploiting your HELPLESSNESS for My Platinum Blonde Tresses..
Price: 200.00
![]() LOVE DIZZY Mesmerism Film
ROUND AND ROUND, UP and down, over and over and over and over, spirally deeper DEEPER deeperrr into LOVE DIZZY ADDICTION.. omg you LOVE ME you LOVE ME you LOVE ME.
Price: 150.00
![]() BRAIN HACK – Mesmerizing MESMER-ULTRA Enchantment clip
Reformatting your bbrainn per MY specifications! I will exploit your vulnerabilities to hack into your head and effortlessly UPLOAD MY PROGRAMMING.
Price: 150.00
Be prepared to have a complete OVERHAUL of your mindscape!! It’s all about being MY psychological experiment!
Price: 200.00
![]() ’SO SLEEPY’: Audio/Visual Clip
Modeled & designed after intensive research into covert enchantment techniques, this clip is programmed to insert post mesmerizing triggers into your mind. you will be My somnambulist slave, MY Sleeper Cell!
Price: 200.00
This mesmerizing video so TOTALLY glamourous. I am simply ravishing, and will effortlessly & completely condition you to CRAVE one thing ONLY, and that is to become slave to MY GLAMOUR!
Price: 150.00
![]() xxPOISONxx Enchantment Clip
Take your medicine!! This wicked enchantment audio/visual clip is designed to addict you to MY image & MY voice. you will give ME everything I DEMAND.
Price: 125.00
![]() you KNOW you want to SPOIL ME
This Audio Visual mesmerizing Video is designed to addict you to the ultimate indulgence of SPOILING ME
Price: 125.00
Crafted to control your mind via the medium of sequential FILM images, this is TOTAL CINEMATIC enchantment.
Price: 150.00
![]() I’m ALL you care about
I’m ALL you care about!! All you WANT TO DO is SPOIL ME!! I AM your DRUG!! Feel MY needle pierce your vein, ADDICT!!
Price: 125.00
View My Full Catalogue of Financial Devotion MESMERISM VIDEOS on
Curious if YOU can be mesmerized? Find out NOW.
MY NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming) Assignment will reveal your susceptibility to mesmerismsis. Perform the test and send Me your results. This mp3 assignment can also be used as a very effective induction exercise, and TRANCE ACCELERATOR.
World-Class Financial Worship & Mesmerizing Enchantment with Financial Goddess Diamond Diva Princess, The Capitalistic Blonde! Unless otherwise noted all material on this website ©, Diamond Diva Princess, the photographers, filmographers, and artists. Unauthorized use is prohibited. All Rights Reserved. |
Top Money Princess, Celebrity Financial Worship, Capitalistic Blonde Mesmeratrix. I am a Luxury Snob, Financial Femme Fatale, and Fur Enthusiast. I love ALL things glamourous and live My life in luxurious glamour on a daily basis. Wrapped in furs, dripping in jewels, I live every day as a celebration of aestheticism and beauty. I surround myself with beautiful things! Fur Glamour, Glamour Worship, Financial Worship and Mesmerizing Enchantment. |