It’s a Tiffany Diamonds Tribute Event, Darling!
I come by My love of beautiful things by My very nature. When I was born, I was named after TIFFANY & CO. Quite obviously, it holds a special place in My heart! Not only do I LOVE Tiffany’s but I also LOVE the film ‘Breakfast at Tiffanys’ – starring Audrey Hepburn. In fact, I love ALL things TIFFANY & CO related. I especially LOVE letting My slaves shop for Me at Tiffany’s, in fact, one of My sycophants who lives in NYC was allowed the great honour of shopping for Me directly from THE flagship Tiffany & Co during his lunch break! Technically you could say he had LUNCH at TIFFANYS! Click HERE to read more about it!
“The French are glad to die for love, they delight in fighting duels, but I prefer a man who LIVES and GIVES EXPENSIVE JEWELS!!
~ I have decided I want a vast collection of TIFFANY DIAMONDS. I am named after Tiffanys (my birth name) so it is ONLY natural of course, and YOU will be buying them for ME. My TIFFANY DIAMONDS mesmerize and mesmerize your befuddled manbbrainn!
I believe ALL of you should LOVE Tiffany’s because it is MY namesake. And in this vein, I have decided that ALL of you should apply for a TIFFANY & CO charge account!! This is your task for the week, YES, this means YOU.
you will let Me know as soon as you have submitted your application. When and if you are accepted for a charge account at TIFFANY & CO, you will contact Me immediately with this fabulous news. THEN we will go SHOPPING for MOI.. it will be SO MUCH FUN!! OMG you are SO excited.. APPLY NOW.