Even though it’s been a very short time since My handbag zombie’s most recent update, My QUARTER of a MILL obsessed Trophy Pig has already spent another $4600 DOLLARS on Me since this latest update bringing his current Grand Total Tally to $180,155!! 

Deliriously consumed with the OBSESSION to cross that QUARTER of a MILL tally line, My Beneficial Banker lovey loves to empty the VAULT for Me, clicking & paying, funding My LUXURY as he liquifies ALL his assets to invest in MY GREATNESS! Oh yes mousey, this includes refinancing your housey, and selling all of your and wifeypoos valuables! Including this ugly coat! I mean she won’t miss it, LOL. I KNOW you would much rather invest the proceeds in another highly unattainable for the masses, rare, exotic FUR to add to My Fine Fur Collection!

Omg you KNOW I love My exotic furs, like the new very rare, pristine Museum Quality Art Deco Exotic Colobus Monkey fur coat you were so very privileged to have the opportunity of recently adding to My collection, My Leopard & buttery black leather gloves, and My exotic CHEETAH fur pillbox hat. Like omg, I drain men’s bank accounts for a FORTUNE, I say, as I flick My hair! And all you see is spinning spots, blonde locks, leather gloves, and MONEY!

This tally also finds My Handbag Zombie winning the title of current BIG SPENDER of the moment achieving 100 notches on the PAY for PLUSH tribbiessss, which at $250 a POP, adds up to $25,000 dollars spent on this tribute button alone by My little cash mule, say hee haw buhbye money! Of course, you and I both know that sometimes the Pay for Plush tribbiesss price goes all the way up to $800 a POP, omg what a SAVVY INVESTOR!

“The boots, the fur, the gloves! More diamonds. more fur. more pillbox hats”

Run former HNWI cash mule run, hee hawing okey dokey buhbye money all the way!!!!! Galloping toward that next MILESTONE of a QUARTER of a MILLION DOLLARS!

Send Me MORE, DARLING! To the VAULT, DOLL! LIQUIDATE your assets to send more big fat tribbies NOW!! Make it 101 notches on Pay for Plush!