Out and about shopping, wearing My CHANEL White Mink for the very first time! Omg this exceptionally lushy plush couture white mink by the legendary house of CHANEL is the ULTIMATE in Couture Fur Fashion! A gift from My Private & Exclusive Wishlist, paid for by My lucky Handbag Zombie!
I snapped this glamorous selfie in My collectible White Diamond Cadillac, My vintage black suede gloves juxtaposed in stunning contrast to the snowy white mink!
you LOVEY LOVE to shop My Private & Exclusive Wishlist and lavish Me in FUR LUXURY!
I’m not satisfied with just beautiful furs, with just expensive furs, with just fine furs. I’m only satisfied with THE most beautiful furs in the WORLD, with the MOST EXPENSIVE FURS, and with the FINEST of LUXURY FURS on earth.
Visit FurGoddess.com, the Premiere website of Fur Glamour Goddess Diamond Diva Princess!!
Learn more about My Fine Fur Collection and cater to My Fur Wishes!