Hey ELFYPOO! Get your ticket to participate in the annual ROYAL ORNAMENT DAY~ My INTERACTIVE Princessmas Shopping Extravaganza Party!! This is one of several INTERACTIVE events I have planned throughout the PRINCESSMAS Holiday Season!! OMG you are SO EXCITED!
Per MY PRINCESSMAS tradition, as one of the many gifts I bestow upon you this holiday season, I am giving YOU the gift of paying for My expensive sparkly ornaments! This CELEBRATION in My sparkly Princessmas Roster is christened:
Here’s how it works:
I will be shopping the SWAROVSKI BOUTIQUE to indulge in purchasing the crème de la crème of this years shimmering HOLIDAY Collection and you get the chance to experience the thrill of being involved LIVE in this INTERACTIVE SHOPPING EXCURSION!!
I will be festively dressed to the nines for this Glorious Shopping EVENT! OMG you have NEVER seen shopping done like I DO IT.
It makes you SO BEYOND WEAK to be allowed to pay the on average of 100 DOLLARS a piece purchase tag on these GORGEOUS glittering jewels for My PLATINUM PRINCESSMAS TREE, as you & your wifeypoo buy dollar store plastic ornaments for yourself! It is such a THRILL to know that each of My limited edition CRYSTAL ORNAMENTS are worth EVEN MORE next year when they are no longer available to be purchased! OMG even My decorations alone are worth a small fortune!
Each slave which contributes to My indulgent PRINCESSMAS SHOPPING EXTRAVAGANZA will receive an EXCITINGLY CLANDESTINE email surprise filled with exclusive photos from ROYAL ORNAMENT DAY, which NO ONE else will get to see.. private glimpses of My personal HOLIDAY celebration!
This CLANDESTINE PRIVATE EMAIL will also include an EXCLUSIVE SECRET MEDIA FILE not available to ANYONE else but those who participate! Trust Me, you DON’T want to miss it!
To participate, click the GOLDEN TICKET and Send Payment to contribute to My ROYAL ORNAMENT DAY SHOPPING EXTRAVAGANZA! Every ticket holder will receive the INTERACTIVE CLANDESTINE EMAIL SURPRISE detailed above INCLUDING My EXCLUSIVE SECRET MEDIA FILE which will NEVER be available at any other time, and ONLY sent to those who participate and have the GOLDEN ROYAL ORNAMENT DAY TICKET!
Additional options: THRONE